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Unable to create sell order with OpenSea SDK, but no errors reported

I'm learning how to use the OpenSea SDK in Node.js (found here) by referring to its example OpenSea Creatures. The SDK links to a two-year old branch but I'm using the master branch. I'm trying to ...
user10931326's user avatar
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How to enable third party to create sell order on behalf of token owner?

I am working on a slightly modified minter process in which the caller provides the process with token metadata (name, description, and the digital asset), and the process handles the entire minting ...
user10931326's user avatar
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How to transfer an ERC1155 Matic token using Node.js?

I'm trying to write a Node script that will transfer an ERC1155 token on the Matic network from my address to someone else's address. Here's an example token:
Kane's user avatar
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OpenSea.js No output using web3 and node 8

Working with OpenSea.js and have the following code but the output is absolutely nothing. Can someone help? const Web3 = require("web3"); const OpenSea = require("opensea-js"); // ...
itzmrd4's user avatar