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Disabling nonce check for go-ethereum for a private test net when using web3js batch requests to send tx

I am using web3js batch.add and batch.execute to send tx for an ethereum private testnet that I have created. I send tx using batch.add and batch.execute (don't prefer to use promises since they ...
Deepal's user avatar
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Should I use getTransactionCount() result in sendTransaction()? [duplicate]

As I read, getTransactionCount() returns the number of transactions sent from an address. Which of below items should I consider? Not to use returned nonce? Use the returned nonce number as a ...
Mohammad Saberi's user avatar
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getTransactionCount return different response

geth version 1.8.27 The pending nonce is 8 at first, then I send a transaction and use eth.getTransactionCount to get the next pending nonce. > eth.getTransactionCount("...
yjjjnls's user avatar
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How does metamask manage the multiple transaction with same address?

I'm struggling to implement the functionality which sends multiple transactions using the same address. here the from address is same but the to addresses are different. When I did research on this, I ...
Shubham's user avatar
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{'message': 'Nonce too low', 'code': -32000} when sending transaction on geth JSON-RPC

I am trying to send a transaction using Go Ethereum 1.4.18-stable JSON-RPC and I am getting the following error: {'message': 'Nonce too low', 'code': -32000} This is a single transaction on ...
Mikko Ohtamaa's user avatar
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Should correct transaction nonce be one less than account transaction count?

I am trying to solve the 'Why am i getting “removed tx from pool: low tx nonce or out of funds”?' problem on my private test net. I seem to have enough funds however the rejected transaction nonce ...
Jack Thorp's user avatar
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Why am i getting "removed tx from pool: low tx nonce or out of funds"?

The account I am using to submit the transaction has 10490 ETH (1.0585e+22 Wei). The transaction cost is 20477 Gas, and gas price is 300000000000. Here is the output from Geth: I0330 22:28:05.762119 ...
Clovis's user avatar
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