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Gas estimation failed for marketplace contract

i receive an error upon trying to interact with buy function in my contract below // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity ^0.8.0; import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol&...
kaay's user avatar
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Smart contract unpredictable gas for seemingly simple method

I'm having an issue where a method that seems straightforward is showing a huge amount of gas requirements. I tried to run it from the verified polygonscan UI and metamask tells me it can't estimate ...
mcw's user avatar
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I don't know why my contract have a problem. Gas estimation and Gas exceeds Problem [closed]

pragma solidity >=0.4.24 <=0.5.6; contract Indian { mapping (address => uint16) myGame; address public owner; constructor() public { owner = msg.sender; } ...
InChl Song's user avatar
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How to refund gas to the smart contract caller? (What is the number?)

I have this function: function setAccount(BaseUBI _ubi, address _user, uint256 _startTime, uint _esiaID, bool _setToZero) external { uint256 _refund = (gasleft() + 0/*FIXME*/) * tx....
porton's user avatar
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Execution erorr: Invalid opcode on estimateGas | Possible unhandled promise rejection

pragma solidity ^0.5.0; I get invalid opcode error when trying to estimate gas needed for my transaction from react-native using the following line of code: const gasAmount = await contract.methods ...
user63058's user avatar
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How can I reduce the gas price for the fallback function?

Below is my fallback function for ethereum. It currently require 91000 gaslimit which is way more than 21000. Metamask always starts the transaction with 21000 gas stipend due to which transaction ...
Fariha Abbasi's user avatar
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Calculated Gas Costs of Contract execution

I have a smart contract that maps a string to a string value and stores it on the Blockchain. I want to analyse the Gas Used by Transaction. One time the execution consumes 92,843 Gas (https://rinkeby....
Felix's user avatar
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Estimate Gas For Smart Contract Always Fails

I have deployed a very simple contract to the Ethereum blockchain to be able to split a payment across two different outputs. pragma solidity ^0.5.0; contract MoonTrade { function multiSendETH( ...
mocode10's user avatar
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Measuring the efficiency/performance of a smart contract presented as an algorithm

I am trying to theoretically analyze the expected performance of a smart contract presented in the form of an algorithm which consists of multiple functions. What is the best way to measure the ...
blockchainenth's user avatar
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Error in Ethereum Wallet:"Couldn't estimate gas, resorting to default parameters. Transaction is likely cheaper than the estimate"

I am using ethereum wallet for deploying contracts in my private blockchain. But whenever I try to send a transaction in my ethereum wallet it shows an error that says, "Couldn't estimate gas, ...
Monica Mohandas's user avatar
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Invalid opcode on estimateGas

This is my contract pragma solidity ^0.4.20; contract Test { struct TestStruct { bytes32 name; mapping(uint => address) tesMapping; } TestStruct[] public testStructs; ...
imfabio's user avatar
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Contract deploy estimateGas undefined

When ti try to estimate gas for my contract to deploy, I always get undefined result. This is my code: const toDeploy = contract.deploy({ data: '0x' + bytecode, arguments: [[web3.utils....
imfabio's user avatar
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Alternative solution for loops in subscription smart contract design

I am a new developer, working on a smart contract mostly for my own learning. I am developing a Smart Contract to handle subscriptions. The contract has the below features. Subscribers can subscribe ...
Colm Seale's user avatar
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Maximum gas consumption of calling a contract method

I want to evaluate the maximum gas consumption (minimum safe gas limit that will not fail) that calling a specific contract method would consume given that I have the contract source code / byte code. ...
Amit's user avatar
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Where does gas comes from when I create a new Contract in a Contract [duplicate]

Let's say I am creating a contract from another contract by calling a function in a parent contract, is the gas required to create new contract included in running the function that creates new ...
Harwee's user avatar
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Is it possible to estimate used gas based on algorithm's Big O?

[Example Algorithm 1]: I have an array of structs(PaymentReceipt[] paymentReceiptList;) and imagine there are around 1000 pushed items and array's size keep increases. Each item has a time_start and ...
alper's user avatar
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Gas estimation for mapping updating with web3js

The gas estimation for contract deploying with web3js will look like: var res = web3.eth.estimateGas({ from: web3.eth.defaultAccount, data: contractByteCode }); For example, I have the ...
Victor Baranov's user avatar
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How do I figure out how much USD it will cost to deploy or execute methods on a contract?

Is there a simple tool for this or do I have to calculate it myself?
ShawkHawk's user avatar
5 votes
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How to minimize gas consumption during contract creation

I have trouble deploying a contract to the main network and I believe this is due to high gas consumption. An earlier version of the contract worked on the main network. The current version works in ...
Max Binnewies's user avatar
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Contract transaction: Gas estimated doesn't fit gas used

After finding out how to estimate contract tx fees thx to How to estimate the cost to call a Smart Contract method? and Syntax for calling contract state changing methods I tried to use all that ...
Juan Ignacio Pérez Sacristán's user avatar
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How to estimate the cost to call a Smart Contract method?

After succesfully deployed this Smart Contract on Ethereum testnet is it possible to calculate how much gas is going ...
Juan Ignacio Pérez Sacristán's user avatar