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Calculated Gas Costs of Contract execution

I have a smart contract that maps a string to a string value and stores it on the Blockchain. I want to analyse the Gas Used by Transaction. One time the execution consumes 92,843 Gas (https://rinkeby....
Felix's user avatar
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Where does gas comes from when I create a new Contract in a Contract [duplicate]

Let's say I am creating a contract from another contract by calling a function in a parent contract, is the gas required to create new contract included in running the function that creates new ...
Harwee's user avatar
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Is it possible to estimate used gas based on algorithm's Big O?

[Example Algorithm 1]: I have an array of structs(PaymentReceipt[] paymentReceiptList;) and imagine there are around 1000 pushed items and array's size keep increases. Each item has a time_start and ...
alper's user avatar
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Gas estimation for mapping updating with web3js

The gas estimation for contract deploying with web3js will look like: var res = web3.eth.estimateGas({ from: web3.eth.defaultAccount, data: contractByteCode }); For example, I have the ...
Victor Baranov's user avatar
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How do I figure out how much USD it will cost to deploy or execute methods on a contract?

Is there a simple tool for this or do I have to calculate it myself?
ShawkHawk's user avatar
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Contract transaction: Gas estimated doesn't fit gas used

After finding out how to estimate contract tx fees thx to How to estimate the cost to call a Smart Contract method? and Syntax for calling contract state changing methods I tried to use all that ...
Juan Ignacio Pérez Sacristán's user avatar