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Can I make a contract call to refund the unused gas fee to a specific address instead of the msg.sender?

Can I make a contract call to refund the unused gas fee to a specific address instead of the msg.sender? I want to use this as a means of charging fees for my project.
Benjamin's user avatar
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ERC-20 Token Lookup

I am looking for an ERC-20 token with only the Name (Ticker), but when I search that up on Etherscan I come up with many many options. Is there any way yo look these up by other criteria such as ...
cyptonewb's user avatar
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geth attach issue between mac and windows

I am running geth on windows machine and try for geth attach in mac. I give below error: Fatal: Failed to start the JavaScript console: api modules: Post context deadline ...
Shashank Dekate's user avatar