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9 votes
2 answers

Receive deployed contract address by transaction hash with JSON-RPC request

I want to receive deployed contract address by transaction hash. Transcation example - 0x996a683acd59a2ad17461f76ce0f387a89a5ac257ec5d667556219c6acc7f45a. As you can see this contract was deployed by ...
1 vote
0 answers

Why is the TransactionByHash function in the go-ethereum client unable to return the sender?

I learned how to get the sender's address from this question. JSON-RPC returns a result with a from field, which we can unmarshal in our struct. But I'm curious why go-ethereum didn't return ...
1 vote
0 answers

Is it possible to get transactions sent to a specific address now? [duplicate]

I did search for this question before posting it here but still no success. I do see there are certain discussions about the lack of this 'necessary' API but they were raised quite long ago (about 1 ...
9 votes
1 answer

What is the 0x I see around Ethereum? For example I see addresses that start with 0x

I see a number of things in Ethereum start with 0x, for example addresses. Other examples are in the Geth console, JSON-RPC, web3.js. What is the 0x and what is its purpose?