Linked Questions

2 votes
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Possible to Import wallet from keystore folder? [duplicate]

I have ethereum setup on my ubuntu machine. And i do have the Keystore folder on cold storage. How do I import these wallets?
Kizito's user avatar
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How to backup and restore accounts in the Ethereum wallet [duplicate]

How can I use the Ethereum wallet to restore the account, before this I have backuped that account and the client generate an UTC file, how can I use this file to restore my account?
Wang's user avatar
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I downloaded the etherum wallet, how do you back it up wallet. [duplicate]

I saw somewhere to copy your etherum key and email it to yourself. this way you have can find it. I would imagine this would be needed, say your computer gets stolen. Please if anyone has suggestions ...
Marco Delsalto's user avatar
64 votes
7 answers

How to import a plain private key into geth or Mist?

This is such a basic question, but I can not figure out how to import a plain, unencrypted private key into geth or mist? I tried geth account import 7[......]bla but it seems this command is always ...
q9f's user avatar
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50 votes
2 answers

How do I backup my ether accounts?

I want to backup my accounts onto a USB or other external device for safe-keeping. How can I do that?
Ethan Wilding's user avatar
18 votes
2 answers

In Mist browser how can I move the data (blockchain) to another drive on Mac OSX?

My Mac "System" drive is almost full. As I actually have two drives, I want to move the blockchain from the default location to the second drive. How can I do it ?
Maksim Ravnovesov's user avatar
5 votes
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How to upgrade geth and mist in Ubuntu?

I set up a Ubuntu laptop specifically to install Geth/Mist 0.5.2 and have not upgraded since. I want to upgrade to 0.8.1 but need some direction. Am happy to work from terminal, but don't have enough ...
user35061's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Is geth a wallet like mist?

I've seen that geth can be used to create a wallet address by doing geth account new Where is the wallet stored? How can I backup this wallet in case I lose my computer? What is the difference ...
Thi G.'s user avatar
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3 votes
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How to I import my Ethereum wallet into MyEtherWallet

I have an Ethereum Wallet on my Companys Laptop. Unfortunately I have to give it back. I also bought Tokens from the DAO with that account. How can I transfer / access my wallet on a different device. ...
Keeic's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Migrating Ethereum development from Windows to Ubuntu

I recently had Ethereum on Windows (Ethereum Wallet) and Mix. Later I copied the whole ethereum folder on Windows to a cold storage and installed Ubuntu on the machine. My question is how do I import ...
Kizito's user avatar
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3 votes
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How to upgrade my 0.3.7 wallet

So I have an old version of the mist wallet 0.3.7. How do I update it? I have a few hundred $ worth of coins in there and I don't want to lose them. I don't see any way to back up the wallet or ...
knircky's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

On Mist, can I create a .json file wallet protected by a password (or not) just like ethereumwallet?

Wll basically tht is the question on the latest Mist version, can I create a .json file wallet protected by a password (or not) just like I did using
Fab Tsalsa's user avatar
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How do you restore a wallet in Mist on OSX from a Windows backup?

In Mist on Windows I went to Accounts -> Backup -> Application Data, and backed up the Mist folder it pointed to. I assume this is backing up my wallet contracts, since Accounts -> Backup -> Accounts ...
Curyous's user avatar
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MIST wallet balance not showing

I set up a wallet via Linux Terminal in November, I know there is a balance there and just checked. I set up MIST 2 nights ago and was told that MIST recognizes the wallet in computer (which I didn't ...
btcmacroecon's user avatar
1 vote
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Ethereum wallet doesn't sync v. 0.7.3 stuck or too slow using Os x 10.9.5

I'm using Ethereum 0.7.3 and it doesn't sync on my MacPro Os x 10.9.5. It is too slow or it get's suck. I tried v.0.7.1 and v.0.7.2, and it's the same problem. My Internet connection it's ok, I ...
Xavier's user avatar
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