Linked Questions

21 votes
4 answers

Does Web3.js have the functionality to create new accounts and unlock an account for a period of time for a series of transactions?

I want to create new accounts through my Dapp web interface and unlock a specific account so that transactions can be processed. I didn't see it in the web3.js documentation so wonder if that's on the ...
Alan Wunsche's user avatar
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8 votes
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Connecting the wallet of to your dApp and different Ethereum wallet types

How users can use connect their different wallets, like MetaMask, mobile wallets and hardware wallets with a dApp? What wallets are supported?
Mikko Ohtamaa's user avatar
16 votes
1 answer

How can I create a listener for new transaction with Ethereum RPC calls?

I am trying to create mini-service which would allow me to subscribe for incoming Ethereum transactions (coinbase example). I thought that in Ethereum it could be done with eth_newFilter and ...
Andrey Samokhvalov's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Do I have to unlock my account in geth to call a web3.eth.sign() in JavaScript?

I have: A geth account Access to web3 API I want to: Invoke the function, web3.eth.sign(coinbase, sha) If I put this in a javascript file sign.js, and I call node.js, will it sign my message? Or ...
EhtereumUser12321's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Unlocking accounts for a back office app

I'm writing a "back office" app and need a way to unlock an account in an automated fashion. Yes, I know security of nodejs is questionable, but there are ways of solving this. blocking web3 from ...
Paul S's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Custom Parity signer – programmatically unlock accounts for a certain time

How can I implement a custom transaction signer (which will unlock accounts on the fly) and tell parity client to use it? I don't want to unlock all accounts at startup (and always keep them unlocked....
Edward Ruchevits's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Call a Contract With Web3JS/ethereumjs-tx

I want to execute a smart contract on the blockchain. As far as I understood this web3js offers two options call: executes the contract method locally without using gas execute: executes the contract ...
Andi Giga's user avatar
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1 answer

Unlock remote account

I have smart contract deployed that accepts funds (via fallback function function() payable { ... }). Also I have frontend using web3 to send funds. When I tested it with local node (and JSON wallets ...
Alex G.P.'s user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

geth: How could I list already unlocked accounts?

I am using geth via third party application. I want to verify that specific Ethereum accounts are already unlocked or not, since unlocking an account can be timeout. personal.unlockAccount(eth....
alper's user avatar
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In a HTML user interface how can we alert user when it inserts incorrect password/address?

I'm trying to design a user interface for private blockchain using Ethereum to test my contracts. So, users with different password and account address login. I'm aware of this question, but it was ...
Aydin's user avatar
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1 answer

How to authenticate user using passphrase?

While creating ethereum account(geth) account we need to enter the passphrase for respective account. Is there any way to authenticate the user using that passphrase from a front end?
Soham Lawar's user avatar
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1 answer

How can I unlock and keep the address?

I created the new 2 accounts with web3 like this. web3.eth.personal.newAccount(password) When I send a ether to other address, I need to unlock first. But other exchange sites like Binance doesn't ...
H.Ming's user avatar
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