I want to deploy pre-compiled Smart Contract bytecode using Truffle migrations. Specifically, it is the Uniswap V2 Factory contract.
In the Uniswap V2 documentation there is a cliffhanger, where they mention to use:
const UniswapV2FactoryBytecode = require('@uniswap/v2-core/build/UniswapV2Factory.json').bytecode
And then deploy it using Truffle (but do not include an example). However, I cannot get the deployment to work. Here is my migration script:
const UniswapV2FactoryBytecode = require('@uniswap/v2-core/build/UniswapV2Factory.json').bytecode
module.exports = function(_deployer, network, accounts) {
_deployer.deploy(UniswapV2FactoryBytecode, accounts[0])
Note the UniswapV2Factory
constructor requires a _feeToSetter
address which is why I pass accounts[0]
as a parameter.
When I run using truffle migrate --reset
the following error is returned:
TypeError: contract.detectNetwork is not a function
Can anyone help point to a solution get this to work?