I am working to build a Dapp using Ganache, Web3, and Truffle frameworks. I am unable to compile the contracts using truffle compile. I am facing an error. I want to explain you in detail what I did.
Firstly I have created a directory by using
mkdir Election
Then I changed the directory to Election using
cd Election
Then I have used this truffle boxes to make the Dapp work simple
"truffle unbox pet-shop"
Then I have written a contract in the contracts directory Elections.sol
Then I went to the migrations directory and created a file for migrating this contract using truffle migrate. Here I am facing the issue. I am getting a while compiling. I am attaching you both the Error and the file that I have created in the migrations directory. It will be good if you could please help me asap.
This is the migrations file that will be present in the migrations directory.
This is the Error file that I am getting when I am running
truffle migrate