As the title says I cannot verify my smart contract on Etherscan. I read all the solutions from similar threads with no luck. I'm getting the following error :

 Error! Unable to generate Contract ByteCode and ABI
 Found the following ContractName(s) in source code : AtariToken, ERC20Interface, SafeMath
 But we were unable to locate a matching bytecode (err_code_2)

Compiler Version: v0.6.8+commit.0bbfe453
Optimization Enabled: True
Runs: 200
ByteCode (what we are looking for):

- vs what we got -

We tried looking for a match from the list of compiled contract bytecode outputs (as listed below), but was unable to find an exact match.

1) AtariToken

2) SafeMath

Here's a link to my smart contract: https://ropsten.etherscan.io/address/0x1a0699201b5549328c5eb5332fc07dbc888df60b#code

Some solutions suggested a problem with the ABI in case you use constructor arguments. On my last contract I had constructor arguments, and tried the solution without any results. But for this contract I didn't specify any value for my constructor argument, so my ABI has a value of0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000, and hardcoded the totalSupply value in my code, however I'm still getting the same error.

  • How does your etherscan link help if your contract isn't verified? We'll need its source code if you're expecting us to give it a try. Commented May 15, 2020 at 16:58
  • aha sorry I didn't know that. I'll update the thread with the source code Commented May 15, 2020 at 17:00
  • I just noticed that the contract in the link that you've posted IS verified, so it's not quite clear what problem exactly it is that you're experiencing. Commented May 15, 2020 at 18:05

1 Answer 1


Since, my post length is over the allowed limits, I am posting here my contract's source code:

pragma solidity >=0.4.0 <0.7.0;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ERC Token Standard #20 Interface
// https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/blob/master/EIPS/eip-20-token-standard.md
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
interface ERC20Interface {
    function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256);
    function balanceOf(address tokenOwner) external view returns (uint balance);
    function allowance(address tokenOwner, address spender) external view returns (uint remaining);
    function transfer(address to, uint tokens) external returns (bool success);
    function approve(address spender, uint tokens) external returns (bool success);
    function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint tokens) external returns (bool success);

    event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint tokens);
    event Approval(address indexed tokenOwner, address indexed spender, uint tokens);

contract AtariToken is ERC20Interface {

    string public constant name = "AtariToken";
    string public constant symbol = "ATAR";
    uint8 public constant decimals = 0;

    event Approval(address indexed tokenOwner, address indexed spender, uint tokens);
    event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint tokens);
    event RegistrationSuccessful(uint256 nonce);
    event RegistrationFailed(uint256 nonce);

    mapping(address => uint256) balances;

    mapping(address => mapping (address => uint256)) allowed;

    uint256 totalSupply_ = 7777100000;

    mapping (string => address) addressTable;

    using SafeMath for uint256;

    constructor( uint256 _totalSupply) public{
        totalSupply_ = _totalSupply;
        balances[msg.sender] = totalSupply_;

    function totalSupply() public override view returns (uint256) {
        return totalSupply_;

    function balanceOf(address tokenOwner) public override view returns (uint) {
        return balances[tokenOwner];

    function balanceOf(string memory tokenOwner) public view returns (uint) {
        address userAddress;
        userAddress = addressTable[tokenOwner];
        return balances[userAddress];

    function transfer(address receiver, uint numTokens) public override returns (bool) {
        require(numTokens <= balances[msg.sender]);
        balances[msg.sender] = balances[msg.sender].sub(numTokens);
        balances[receiver] = balances[receiver].add(numTokens);
        emit Transfer(msg.sender, receiver, numTokens);
        return true;

    function transfer(string memory receiver, uint numTokens) public returns (bool) {
        address receiverAddress;
        receiverAddress = addressTable[receiver];
        require(numTokens <= balances[msg.sender]);
        balances[msg.sender] = balances[msg.sender].sub(numTokens);
        balances[receiverAddress] = balances[receiverAddress].add(numTokens);
        emit Transfer(msg.sender, receiverAddress, numTokens);
        return true;

    function approve(address delegate, uint numTokens) public override returns (bool) {
        allowed[msg.sender][delegate] = numTokens;
        emit Approval(msg.sender, delegate, numTokens);
        return true;

    function approve(string memory delegate, uint numTokens) public returns (bool) {
        address delegateAddress;
        delegateAddress = addressTable[delegate];
        allowed[msg.sender][delegateAddress] = numTokens;
        emit Approval(msg.sender, delegateAddress, numTokens);
        return true;

    function allowance(address owner, address delegate) public override view returns (uint) {
        return allowed[owner][delegate];

    function allowance(string memory owner, string memory delegate) public view returns (uint) {
        address ownerAddress;
        ownerAddress = addressTable[owner];
        address delegateAddress;
        delegateAddress = addressTable[delegate];
        return allowed[ownerAddress][delegateAddress];

     function transferFrom(address owner, address buyer, uint numTokens) public override returns (bool) {
        require(numTokens <= balances[owner]);    
        require(numTokens <= allowed[owner][msg.sender]);

        balances[owner] = balances[owner].sub(numTokens);
        allowed[owner][msg.sender] = allowed[owner][msg.sender].sub(numTokens);
        balances[buyer] = balances[buyer].add(numTokens);
        emit Transfer(owner, buyer, numTokens);
        return true;

    function transferFrom(string memory owner, string memory buyer, uint numTokens) public returns (bool) {
        address ownerAddress;
        ownerAddress = addressTable[owner];
        address buyerAddress;
        buyerAddress = addressTable[buyer];

        require(numTokens <= balances[ownerAddress]);    
        require(numTokens <= allowed[ownerAddress][msg.sender]);

        balances[ownerAddress] = balances[ownerAddress].sub(numTokens);
        allowed[ownerAddress][msg.sender] = allowed[ownerAddress][msg.sender].sub(numTokens);
        balances[buyerAddress] = balances[buyerAddress].add(numTokens);
        emit Transfer(ownerAddress, buyerAddress, numTokens);
        return true;

    function registerUser(string memory user, uint256 nonce) public returns (bool) {
        if (addressTable[user] == address(0)) {
            addressTable[user] = msg.sender;
            emit RegistrationSuccessful(nonce);
            return true;
        } else {
            emit RegistrationFailed(nonce);
            return false;

library SafeMath { 
    function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
      assert(b <= a);
      return a - b;

    function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
      uint256 c = a + b;
      assert(c >= a);
      return c;

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