So, I have been doing some research on Blockchain , for my dissertation, recently and had spent a lot of time researching consensus protocols. This had led me to wondering if there is any other ways that consensus could be maintained. I had an idea, but would like to know what you guys think, as I know I lack some knowledge in the entirety of this field and concept.
I propose a consensus protocol called "Proof of Consistency". This protocol depends on how consistent a node is connected to the network. A consistent node is connect always without disconnecting, while an inconsistent node is not very dedicated and only connects for small amounts of time and then disconnects. With connected I mean an internet connection and some sort of status to let the network know it is connected.
So how will this work:
Nodes are connected to the network, the longer they have been connected, the higher their probability of being chosen to add a block. Thus the consistent nodes has a better chance at "winning". The inconistent nodes will have a smaller chance, but still have a chance. Once you have disconnected, your "consistency time" drops to 0 and starts over once connected.
There will be a cap on Time connected, for example, a node that started first and never disconnected will then in theory always have the best chance of winning, thus we cap the "consistency time" to an arbitrary number, so that other nodes can "catch up". Once a certain number of nodes has reached the cap, all times are reset (this is to keep things random/fair). A problem may arise where in the long term, everyone starts at zero and then the whole protocol falls to nothing, as everyone will then have the same "consitency time" always thus it will just be a normal lottery. Maybe one can introduce a "tier" system where you get an extra minute once you have been reset or something similar.
Possible Advantages:
No need for powerfull computer hardware
No Environmental issues
Node only needs internet connection
Incentives to stay connected thus keeping the network running
May just not be optimal haha
The time cap may be a problem somehow
It is in many ways similar to POS, but people who do not have money to have a big stake can also participate and have a bigger prob of winning.
Obviously there are a lot of factors to consider and I am not claiming this is a revolutionary or the next best idea, I would just like to recieve feedback on this idea as it quite interests me and I like playing around with these concepts.