Block Builder! I create a bank and client contracts, in order to reproduce DAO attack event. The client can deposit, but can not withdraw.
I enclose the repo from Github here:
Overview of the my problem
I use the
in the bank contract's withdraw()
to make the transfer super unsafe. In addition, I put bank.withdraw()
in client's fallback function. When the client call its withdraw()
. I can see the transaction info pops up on truffle console, and the client's deposit at bank also decreases. Yet, the balance for both the client's and the bank's contracts remain unchanged as if withdraw
never happened.
my contracts:
contract Bank {
struct Client {
uint deposit;
bool active;
address owner;
mapping(address => Client) public clientList;
uint clientCounter;
constructor() public payable {
require(msg.value == 30 ether, "Initial funding of 30 ether required for rewards");
/* Set the owner to the creator of this contract */
owner = msg.sender;
clientCounter = 0;
function enroll(address _addr) public {
clientList[_addr].deposit = 0;
clientList[_addr].active = true;
function isClientActive(address _addr) public view returns(bool){
return clientList[_addr].active;
function getClientCounter() public view returns(uint){
return clientCounter;
// add the deposit to the sender account
function addDeposit() public payable {
if (clientList[msg.sender].active != true){
revert("the client's address does not exist");
clientList[msg.sender].deposit += msg.value;
// transfer the amount of ether to the provided address <<<DOES NOT TRANSFER ETH
function withdraw(address _recipient, uint amount) public payable {
if (clientList[_recipient].deposit < amount){
revert("not enough deposit to make the withdraw");
}else {;
clientList[_recipient].deposit -= amount;
// return the deposit of the provide address
function checkDeposit(address _addr) public view returns (uint) {
return clientList[_addr].deposit;
// received money from the client contract
function () public payable {
if (!isClientActive(msg.sender)){
revert("client does not exist");
} else {
clientList[msg.sender].deposit += msg.value;
contract Client {
address owner; // the client contract connect with the account who creates it
Bank bank; // the bank that this client contract connected with
int a = 0;
constructor (address _referBank, address _owner) public payable {
owner = _owner;
bank = Bank(_referBank);
function isClientActive() public view returns(bool) {
return bank.isClientActive(address(this));
function addFund() public payable {
require(msg.sender == owner, "only owner are allow to send money to client contract");
function addDeposit(uint amount) public {
// addresss(bank).transfer(amount)
function withdraw(uint amount) public payable{
function checkDeposit() public view returns(uint) {
return bank.checkDeposit(address(this));
function checkBalance() public view returns(uint) {
return address(this).balance;
// transfer the balance from the client's contract to the owner account
function () public payable {
// require(msg.sender == owner, "only owner are allow to send money to client contract");
if (a<5){
truffle console
command and the prompt respond:
First, I deploy the contracts, where the bank
and client
are initialize with 30 ETH and 5 ETH
var b
var c;
var bankBalance;
var clientBalance;
Secondly, the client makes a deposit and check its deposit at the bank
c.addDeposit(web3.utils.toWei("1", "ether"))
Thirdly, the client withdraw his 1 ETH.
c.withdraw(web3.utils.toWei("1", "ether"))
{ tx: '0xe3a3e17940d5519a4646edc0b0b9993e622b8a97536fa4633f83a4848a1b9f4f',
{ transactionHash: '0xe3a3e17940d5519a4646edc0b0b9993e622b8a97536fa4633f83a4848a1b9f4f',
transactionIndex: 0,
blockHash: '0x26fa17c815692a9b5625317d7cbde345d6184c526e7d520710d9b193f3c9e0bd',
blockNumber: 79,
from: '0xfa3bb08b86a29bfe202666a86ffcae1dcdd9caae',
to: '0x58ebccb7e3f807433aba1763c80e27d751c703ee',
gasUsed: 14900,
cumulativeGasUsed: 14900,
contractAddress: null,
logs: [],
status: true,
v: '0x1b',
r: '0x3f21a9c8f70a1eca151b5159e96aaaffbc798b1745ca2da2274b13cb678ced12',
s: '0x4df586c2e41227633e51bd0b0e14b8bb67d1c51b584901c9a7de9a6a1ba363aa',
rawLogs: [] },
logs: [] }
Finally, I check both the balance of the client
and bank
truffle(development)> console.log(bankBalance)
truffle(development)> console.log(clientBalance)
Originally, I expect the client should not only get back his 1 ETH, but also 50 ETH from the bank due to the malicious fallback function in client's contract. However, the bank does not send any money to client, but client's deposit value at bank decrease.
I enclose the repo from Github here: