block builders! I have trouble testing the return value from my contract, because the return uint value is always a "transaction" object (I actually don't really know what that mean)
Here is the overall picture of what I'm doing:
I try to create a bank contract that allowing client to enroll to the bank, making deposit and withdraw the deposit. In order to check if the client really enroll successfully, I put 5 ether to the newly enrolled client.
I firstly use await
and async
in the TestContracts.js
to avoid nested callback, but the testing failed since the return value was a transaction object
instead of uint
Then, I take a different approach using promise.then
. However, it's even more weird, because the assert
function was not being called at all, so the test always passed given any expected value.
Implementation of Bank
contract Bank {
struct Customer {
address _address; // address of customer
uint deposit;
address owner;
mapping(address => Customer) public customerList;
uint customerCounter;
constructor() public payable {
require(msg.value == 30 ether, "Initial funding of 30 ether required for rewards");
/* Set the owner to the creator of this contract */
owner = msg.sender;
customerCounter = 0;
function enroll() public returns(uint){
customerList[msg.sender].deposit = 5;
customerList[msg.sender]._address = msg.sender;
return customerList[msg.sender].deposit;
Implementation of TestContracts.js
using async
and await
contract("Test", function(accounts) {
console.log("total accounts: ",accounts);
const alice = accounts[1];
const bob = accounts[2];
const charlie = accounts[3];
it("add 1 people to the bank", async ()=>{
const bank = await Bank.deployed();
const aliceBalance = await bank.enroll({from:alice});
assert.equal(aliceBalance, 5, "initial balance is incorrect");
Implementation of TestContracts.js
using Promise
contract("Test", function(accounts) {
console.log("total accounts: ",accounts);
const alice = accounts[1];
const bob = accounts[2];
const charlie = accounts[3];
it("add 1 people to the bank", function(){
return bank.enroll({from:alice})
assert.equal(aliceBalance, 0, "initial balance is incorrect");
// const aliceBalance = await bank.enroll({from:alice});