The transaction ID calculation is correct. For the signing, the arguments are still RLP encoded (the dummy "v" for EIP-155 is a bit special, see below).
Take this live transaction as an example. It has the following parameters.
nonce = 0 [RLP: 0x80]
gasPrice = 50000000000 wei (0x0BA43B7400) [RLP: 85 0BA43B7400]
gasLimit = 21000 (0x5208) [RLP: 82 5208]
to = 0x7917bc33eea648809c285607579c9919fb864f8f [RLP: 94 7917bc33eea648809c285607579c9919fb864f8f]
value = 1050000000000000 wei (0x03BAF82D03A000) [RLP: 87 03BAF82D03A000]
data = <empty> [RLP: 80]
v = 018080 (this is a place-holder value before signing, see EIP-155)
Then the input parameters for the hash is the RLP of the concatenation:
And the hash value for the signing is:
>>> from Crypto.Hash import keccak
>>> txn=bytearray.fromhex('EB80850BA43B7400825208947917bc33eea648809c285607579c9919fb864f8f8703BAF82D03A00080018080')
>>> keccak_hash.update(bytes(txn))
<Crypto.Hash.keccak.Keccak_Hash object at 0x10fb6e2e8>
>>> print(keccak_hash.hexdigest())
which gives the result
For the transaction ID, do Keccak hash on the final raw transaction bytes (RLP encoded as you mentioned, which are also readable from Etherscan) and it will give the same result as shown on Etherscan.