I was trying to transact between two contracts inside my truffle test case. But not been able to do it. The second contract instance comes back undefined always.
As per the truffle documentation, deploying new contract inside a test case is as shown below,
Contract2.new().then(function(instance) { contract2Instance = instance; });
The error I'm getting is TypeError: Cannot read property 'address' of undefined
on Contract2Address = contract2Instance.address;
Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
var Contract1 = artifacts.require("./Contract1.sol");
var Contract2 = artifacts.require("./Contract2.sol");
contract('Contract1', function(accounts) {
it("should put 30000000 in the second account", function() {
var contract1Instance;
var contract2Instance;
var Contract1Address;
var Contract2Address;
return Contract1.deployed().then(function(instance) {
contract1Instance = instance;
Contract1Address = contract1Instance.address;
console.log("Contract1Address:" + Contract1Address);
Contract2.new().then(function(instance) { contract2Instance = instance; });
console.log("contract2Instance:" + contract2Instance);
Contract2Address = contract2Instance.address;
contract1Instance.deposit({from: accounts[0], value: web3.toWei(2, "ether") });
contract2Instance.claim({ value: web3.toWei(1, "ether"), gas: 1000000 });
return web3.eth.getBalance(Contract2Address).toString(10);
}).then(function(balance) {
assert.equal (30000000, 30000000, "30000000 wasn't in the first account");
PS: Please pardon the mix of the new and old syntax. The whole test works in truffle console though.