In hyperledger when @ symbol is used in comments and it has its significance and is required before defining a function. I was going through some solidity code examples and I saw this piece of code

* @title Ownable
* @dev 

so does that @ has any use or significance?

2 Answers 2


These are "NatSpec" comments. The Solidity documentation has this to say:

Additionally, there is another type of comment called a natspec comment, for which the documentation is not yet written. They are written with a triple slash (///) or a double asterisk block(/** ... */) and they should be used directly above function declarations or statements. You can use Doxygen-style tags inside these comments to document functions, annotate conditions for formal verification, and provide a confirmation text which is shown to users when they attempt to invoke a function.

The wiki has a bit more about them: https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/Ethereum-Natural-Specification-Format.

I'm not sure which tools actually consume these comments, but hopefully that documentation will get you started in learning more.


It's not something that is required before defining a function.

The solidity compiler uses doxygen-style NatSpec tags inside comments to optionally document functions, annotate conditions for formal verification, and provide a confirmation text that is shown to users when they attempt to invoke a function.

The different types of tags are:

  • @title
  • @author
  • @notice
  • @dev
  • @param
  • @return

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