When you're browsing Ethereum network using Ethereum-enabled browsers (such as Mist), do you have to constantly pay fees in order use it (a gas fee based on the usage)?
For example when I go to some Ethereum-based websites where Javascript is executing some contracts (Dapps) in the background (which I may or not aware of it), like the following sample code:
function get() {
var param = document.getElementById('query').value;
var res = contracts['Sample'].contract.get();
document.getElementById('queryres').innerText = res;
function set() {
var key = document.getElementById('key').value;
var res = contracts['Sample'].contract.set(key);
does it mean that most of users browsing such websites have to pay (gas) fees for the its usage?
If so, what's the point or what are the benefits of browsing Ethereum network by constantly paying for it over the standard Internet where you can browse most of pages for free (where everything is executed at least locally, rather than on thousands of external nodes)? I may missing the point.