I know this question has been asked many times before. I've read loads of answers, but nothing seems to work for me. I first tried to verify the source code of a much larger, more complex contract, but it didn't work, so I wrote a very simple tiny contract in Solidity:
pragma solidity ^0.4.17;
contract SimpleTest
string public blablabla;
function SimpleTest() public
blablabla = "Hello world!";
As you can see, I'm not using any constructor arguments, import statements or libraries. I compiled and deployed it using Solidity 0.4.17 from inside Parity. Optimization was enabled. I did not use one of the nightly builds.
Contract creation transaction:
The contract in question:
Link to the verification page:
The error message I get from etherscan.io is:
Sorry! The Compiled Contract ByteCode for 'SimpleTest' does NOT match the Contract Creation Code for [0x5a8b57a6cf17a196e000eca4481257d5d3025636]
Contract name(s) found: 'SimpleTest'
Unable to Verify Contract at this point time.
I've analyzed the bytecodes a little bit, and I found that:
The input data of the contract creation transaction is exactly equal to the bytecode I got from Parity.
The bytecode that the etherscan.io verifier produces is similar to the bytecode from Parity, and thus also similar to the input data of the contract creation transaction.
The bytecode on the contract page on etherscan.io is much shorter than the other bytecodes.
All the bytecodes contain 2 large strings of 00 bytes, except the bytecode on the etherscan.io contract page, it only contains 1 large string of 00 bytes.
I really have no idea what's going on here. Can anyone help?