I'm trying to independently verify the source code of solidity contracts, and stumbled across a case where the compiled bytecode for the source code of the contract does not match the data of the transaction which created the contract. According to https://etherchain.org/account_verify/info and other things I've read, the bytecode received from compiling the contract with the correct solidity version and optimized flag should match the input field of the creating transaction.
The contract can be found here: https://etherscan.io/address/0x9ffa45c5943a0203ee462c48c8b97064abbe28f3#code
Using web3.eth.getTransaction through parity, I see the data of the transaction (0xf991503a9e798e2c8e53c865b09e985f59100a1561f9a5fad546f59e8a4096db) to be:
I'm using the solc-js compiler (with the same solidity version, v0.4.8+commit.60cc1668, optimized), and compiling the same source code shown in the etherscan link gives:
Additionally when I try to compile with the remix online compiler it gives me:
What's strange is that the compiled bytecode for solc-js and remix do not match each other, and also neither matches the on chain contract initialization data. Looking closer at the compiled bytecodes I noticed all start with:
but have different endings after that. Does anyone know why this might be the case?