I cant connect my nodejs console to my geth node via ipc. I'm doing something wrong but cant figure it out. Also I cant find my ipc files anywhere.
Using geth v1.6.6
I start my private network default geth node and see the IPC path as below.
INFO [08-18|10:01:49] IPC endpoint opened: \\.\pipe\geth.ipc
this is from another node. The path to the ipc doesn't even exist. Do I have to create it manually?
INFO [08-18|10:13:41] IPC endpoint opened: \\.\pipe\C:\Users\myuser/Library/Ethereum/mynode1/geth.ipc
I start the nodejs console and type the following;
var web3=require('ethereum.js')
var client = require('net')
web3.setProvider(new web3.providers.IpcProvider('ipc:.geth.ipc', client);
All I get is ...
Below works fine for RPC
web3.setProvider(new web3.providers.HttpProvider("http://someip:8545"));
The path C:\Users\myuser\AppData\Roaming\Ethereum
is empty
, hence,...
, waiting for user input.