How do I compute the multiplication of two uint256 so the result doesn't overflow?

In the end, this multiplication is an intermediate step within a larger operation, in case this extra piece of info helps.

Fyi, I'm not looking to change the order of the operations nor remove any padding.

uint256 a = 10864869065949319007600000000000000000000;
uint256 b = 3300000000000000000000000000000000000000;
uint256 c = 10859952502829164007600000000000000000000;

uint256 result = (a * b) / c;

The overflow occurs in (a * b).

Assembly is more than welcomed if it produces the expected result. Thanks!

  • One way is to divide them separately by c and then multiply to get the result like result = (((a * 1e18) / c) * ((b * 1e18) / c)) / 1e18. But, you've mentioned that you're not looking to change the order of the operations, therefore it's not valid in that case. Commented Apr 23 at 12:40
  • 1
    Yeah, and dividing before multiplying comes with precision loss also, something that I'm trying to avoid @SYEDASADKAZMI
    – dNyrM
    Commented Apr 23 at 12:58

1 Answer 1


Using https://github.com/SimonSuckut/Solidity_Uint512/blob/main/contracts/Uint512.sol

(uint r0, uint r1) = a.mul256x256(b);
uint result = r0.div512x256(r1, c);
  • Great. Does it give the accurate result without precision loss ? Commented Apr 23 at 22:25
  • 1
    Correct. Tested it out already. @SYEDASADKAZMI
    – dNyrM
    Commented Apr 24 at 9:48

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