I sent an nft to the wrong chain (eth) so I created a new wallet through the loom video on the correct chain (optimism). Now I am trying to send my nft from my newly created wallet on optimism with the same address as the eth wallet i sent it to but am getting this error message:
Error Message: GS013
require(success || safeTxGas != 0 || gasPrice != 0, "GS013");
I have eth in my wallet so not sure why gas issue is coming up?
I have tried just sending eth from this wallet but it says 'The Safe SDK could not be initialized.'
It seems that I am unable to use this newly created wallet for anything.
The tenderly link here shows more detail if needed: https://dashboard.tenderly.co/public/safe/safe-apps/simulator/ae1174ef-7084-4451-b423-fbbd309e2134