I want to query all in- and outcoming transactions for a given address. To do this I used the etherscanProvider.getHistory method. However f.e. this address AddrTo = 0x27E28fBc5250668006d82f811174bDC9F147F100 also received a "token transfer" of 5 USDC from address AddrFrom = 0x5E2aFDba5E5F96aed0DcD2760dDE4cFD2aa7b0bA via the smart contract SmartCtr = 0x07865c6e87b9f70255377e024ace6630c1eaa37f (see f.e. https://goerli.etherscan.io/address/0x27E28fBc5250668006d82f811174bDC9F147F100#tokentxns).
Now when I execute the above getHistory method for the AddrFrom, I get a result (with the to-address being SmartCtr) which is great. But when I do the same for the AddrTo, no such transaction is returned. I would have expected that there is a transaction with SmartCtr being the from-address.
Also if I execute this api: https://api-goerli.etherscan.io/api?module=account&action=txlist&address=0x27E28fBc5250668006d82f811174bDC9F147F100&startblock=0&endblock=99999999&page=1&offset=10 I do not get the desired transaction. Do I need to use some other API or need to go another way? Thanks in advance and best regards