Two Solidity functions foo and bar both calling modifier m which emits an event Called with a unique identifier for the calling function. It could be any identifier, but it has to be unique per contract.

The modifier m can’t be called with more arguments as part of the requirements.

contract MyContract {
    event Called(bytes functionID);

    function foo() private m {
        // ...

    function bar() private m  {
        // ...

    modifier m {
        emit Called( /*  TODO: unique identifier for "calling" function, ie. foo or bar */  );

How can I identify the calling function from within the modifier?

1 Answer 1


You could try passing args to the modifier

contract MyContract {
    event Called(bytes functionID);

    function foo() private m('foo') {
        // ...

    function bar() private m('bar')  {
        // ...

    modifier m(string func) {
        emit Called(func);

Hope it helps

  • I like this idea, I thought about adding a function selector as argument as well. Unfortunately one of the requirements would be to not pass any arguments to the modifier.
    – mattes
    Commented Apr 17, 2023 at 21:06

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