Lets say i want to store some data about each address ,through the mapping. My first idea is: store in struct this way:

struct user {
   address userAddress;
   uint256 someUint:
   string someString;

mapping (address => user[]) public addressToStruct;

function storeData (uint256 _someUnit, string _someString) external {
   addressToStruct[msg.sender].push(user{address(msg.sender), _someUnit, someString});

But now i have a new idea to doing this but i don't know which one is gas efficient and if one of them is more secure , and idea is that store them as byte:

mapping (address => bytes[]) public addressToBytes;

function storeData(uint256 _someUint, string _someString) external {
   bytes data = abi.encodePacked(_someUint,_someString,address(msg.sender));

1 Answer 1


just a hint:

Think twice, maybe you can store the data outside of blockchain using events.

(Also I can't find the information to prove my statement,but as i know doing abi.encodePacked costs like 800 gas)

  • I don't like to store them off chain , just calling : "abi.encodePacked" costs 800?? it means store as a struct is the gas efficient way?
    – Alireza
    Commented Feb 4, 2023 at 16:53

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