I am playing around with Solidity, and have encountered an extremely bemusing issue. I want to have a mapping of Address instances (postal addresses NOT the address type)
Address is a custom defined struct as follows:
//Struct representing a postal address
struct Address {
bool initialized;
string identifier;
string street;
string city;
Now, I have a public function for building an address, defined as follows:
function buildAddress(string identifier, string street, string city) public returns(string){
Address storage addressInstance = addresses[sha3(identifier)];
addressInstance.initialized = true;
addressInstance.identifier = identifier;
addressInstance.street = street;
addressInstance.city = city;
return identifier;
and I have a getter defined as follows:
function getAddressStreet(string addressIdentifier) public constant returns(string) {
Address storage addressInstance = addresses[sha3(addressIdentifier)];
if (addressInstance.initialized == false) {
// Unknown node, just return 0x0;
return "No address";
return addressInstance.street;
My issue is that this does not work. 'Building' an address, mining the transaction, and then 'getting' the street name returns 'No address'.
What is bemusing however is that if I remove one string property from the address struct e.g city, it all works perfectly.. as expected.
That is to say that when there are more than 2 string properties in the struct, the Address is seemingly not persisted on the block chain.
I suspect this may be something to do with storage locations, but having read the appropriate documentation a number of times I cannot see anything that is obviously incorrect..
Could anyone provide any insight into this? This may well be a bug, but I imagine that it is more likely a simple oversight on my part. Any clarification would be appreciated !
in comments.