Suppose a user A wants to feed a certain smart contract F with some data d that can be obtained from an oracle O.

What is the usual workflow in the most popular oracle solutions?

I imagine two possible scenarios:

  1. A sends a request to a smart contract monitored by O (and a certain fee for example) specifying that d has to be sent to F, then O writes d directly on F.

  2. As an alternative, O may send d to A, then A sends d to F and F verifies some signature proving that d is actually coming from O.

1 Answer 1


A call a function in the smart contract F, which sends a request to a smart contract monitored by O (and a certain fee for example). O send d to F using a callback function, and F deal with the information. Or F send a query to O directly...

Oracles can have different approaches, take a look on this article: Types of Blockchain Oracles

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