the smart contract below is a market place where users can sell items. The struct Offer, holds all the info of a specific item. To track the offers, I used a mapping with a uint256 key and created a counter variable that increments by one every time an offer is created. My question is that is this the correct way to do this? For example, if by some chance two offers are created at the same time, would they have the same id? Here is the code sample:
//SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity >=0.4.22 <0.9.0;
contract MarketPlace {
uint256 public offerCount = 0;
struct Offer {
uint256 id;
uint256 priceInEther;
uint256 createdAt;
address seller;
address buyer;
string itemName;
bool isActive;
mapping(uint256 => Offer) public offers;
event OfferCreated(uint256 id, uint256 price, uint256 createdAt);
event OfferBought(uint256 id, address buyer, uint256 boughtAt);
function createOffer(uint256 _priceInEther, string memory _name) external {
require(_priceInEther > 0, "Amount must be positive");
uint256 id = offerCount++;
offers[id].id = id;
offers[id].priceInEther = _priceInEther;
offers[id].createdAt = block.timestamp;
offers[id].seller = msg.sender;
offers[id].itemName = _name;
offers[id].isActive = true;
emit OfferCreated(id, _priceInEther, block.timestamp);
function acceptOffer(uint256 _offerId) external payable {
address buyer = msg.sender;
require(offers[_offerId].isActive == true, "Offer is not active.");
require(offers[_offerId].seller != buyer, "You can not buy your own product.");
require(msg.value == offers[_offerId].priceInEther, "Please pay the item's price.");
offers[_offerId].buyer = buyer;
offers[_offerId].isActive = false;
emit OfferBought(_offerId, buyer, block.timestamp);
Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated.