I am using Parity to create a custom app and so I am using it locally on --dev. "$ truffle migrate" fails, I think because there is no balance in the account. It says:
Error: Insufficient funds. The account you tried to send transaction from does not have enough funds. Required 471238800000000000 and got: 0.
But using --dev, this shouldn't be a problem, right? The transactions should work without being mined first? Or something like that?
I tried running genoil but (a) I don't think I need to on --dev and (b) it won't run on a VPS with no GPU anyway.
I tried attaching to Parity with geth attach and it connects (because eth.coinbase returns the correct address) but that user has 0 balance. Also, miner.start() says:
ReferenceError: 'miner' is not defined at :1:1
I am invoking parity with:
$ /path/to/parity --geth --chain dev --dapps-hosts="all" --dapps-apis-all --jsonrpc-hosts="all" --unlock 0x... --password DevUserPass.txt --author ...
I have tried the "--author" flag with 0x as well, with the same result.
So I have a few related questions:
1 - What is your understanding of how the --chain dev option means you do NOT have to mine with parity? The docs aren't really clear.
2 - If I do need to mine (like I use another testnet), how can I do that on a VPS?
3 - Is it possible that truffle needs to be told to use the --chain dev mining technique? Like, it behaves different from a normal balance so has to be stated somewhere?