Sorry for the newbie question. There are a lot of solutions but non of them worked for me. I am getting an account's balance with
const balance_before = await ethers.provider.getBalance(redeemer.address);
The returned balance_before
BigNumber { _hex: '0x021e0bf99fe8b4390000', _isBigNumber: true }
I want to convert this to a normal number. When I try console.log(balance_before.toNumber())
I get the following error:
Error: overflow (fault="overflow", operation="toNumber", value="9998998184576000000000", code=NUMERIC_FAULT, version=bignumber/5.3.0)
I can use .toString()
this returns 9998998184576000000000
but in a string format and I need to compare this value with a number so it is not useful. How can I convert the balance_before
to a number?
PS: I am testing this with hardhat and chai.