I try to develop a simple app with meteor and metamask. I'm trying to change the state of the "name" variable of this contract throught my app :

contract demo{
    string public name = 'Etienne';

    function changeName(string _newName){
        name = _newName;

I can read and display the name variable and use it in a helper with

const myContract = web3.eth.contract(AbiArray).at(contractAddress);

  name () {
    const template = Template.instance();

      TemplateVar.set(template, "name", res);

But how do I use my changeName function ? Something like this nothing happens (change-name is linked to a button):

  'click .change-name'(){

If I exlpicitely say it is transaction, not a call, I get a transaction in metamask, but the name still reads the same :

  'click .change-name'(){

I am pretty sure I am using the wrong arguments… but how?

1 Answer 1


Found the answer: everything Metamask is asynchronous, so I need a callback function :

  'click .change-name'(){
    myContract.changeName('Pitouf', {gas: 300000},function(){});

And it's working !

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