I want stop listening metamask transaction event after getting transaction hash.
This is my code.
const transaction = await contract.methods
.send({ from: address, value: ethValue })
.on("transactionHash", async (txhash: string) => {
return txHash
I want to stop listening a transaction after transactionHash
however this code listen until transaction is confirmed.
Is there any way to stop listening transaction event after getting transaction hash?
Also, this is my related code with this problem.
import { sendTransaction } from "@/utils/trancaction";
export default defineComponent({
name: "Form",
setup() {
const state = reactive<{
ethValue: any;
modal: boolean;
error: {
ethValue: string;
ethValue: 0,
boolean: true,
error: {
ethValue: ""
const confirm = async () => {
const transactionHash = await sendTransaction(state.icbValue, state.ethValue);
console.log(2, transactionHash);
state.modal = false;
return {
And I tried three different ways.
import { contractAbi } from "./contract-abi";
import Web3 from "web3";
export const sendTransaction = async (icbValue: number, ethValue: number) => {
await window.ethereum.enable().catch((error: any) => {
const web3 = new Web3(Web3.givenProvider);
const accounts = await web3.eth.getAccounts();
const address = accounts[0];
const contract = await new web3.eth.Contract(contractAbi, "0xa8f6D9A3bF52941691604b0f76455b41c9f3Fc60");
// 1. using once with methods
const transaction = await contract.methods
.send({ from: address, value: ethValue })
.once("transactionHash", async (txhash: string) => {
return txHash
// 2. using callback with sendTrancsaction
const trancactionHash = await web3.eth.sendTransaction(
from: address,
to: "contract address",
value: ethValue,
data: functionData // deploying a contracrt
.once("transactionHash", function(hash) {
console.log("hash", hash);
// 3. using callback with sendTrancsaction
const functionData = await contract.methods
.encodeABI({ from: address, value: ethValue });
const trancactionHash = await web3.eth.sendTransaction(
from: address,
to: "contract address",
value: ethValue,
data: functionData // deploying a contracrt
function(error, hash) {
console.log("hash", hash);
return hash;