I have deployed my contract in private blockchain, now I am calling functions using Nodejs and web3. Here, I want to transfer tokens for which I need to unlock my account from which I am transferring the tokens and then I want to check the balance of the account to which the tokens were transfered. Here, is the code:
var Web3 = require('web3');
var web3 = new Web3(new
var Personal = require('web3-eth-personal')
var personal = new Personal(Personal.givenProvider)
var ABI = {contract abi}
web3.eth.personal.unlockAccount("0xcc8d743....97278fe497ee90...", "password",
2).send({from:'0xCc8d743eB486bF38ED1197278Fe497eE90...', gas:210000})
.call((error, result)=>console.log(result))).on("error", function(error)
But I am getting the balance of the account first which should be called after transfer function and for the transfer function I am getting the error saying 'need authentication'.
Error: Returned error: authentication needed: password or unlock