Each time i try to unlock my account w/ password i get the error:
Fatal: Failed to unlock account 0x1288AB0bf7FE0Ad09d7f28bd4Ab2C06332c625a2 (no key for given address or file)
my geth command is: geth --rinkeby --rpc --rpcapi db,eth,net,web3,personal --unlock="0x1288AB0bf7FE0Ad09d7f28bd4Ab2C06332c625a2"
When testing this same information on myetherwallet.com and the rinkeby testnet w/ my created password I am able to access my account without a problem.
module.exports = {
networks: {
development: {
host: 'localhost',
gas: 6000000,
port: 8545,
network_id: '4000'
rinkeby: {
host: "localhost", // Connect to geth on the specified
port: 8545,
from: "0x1288AB0bf7FE0Ad09d7f28bd4Ab2B06332e625a2",
network_id: 4,
gas: 4612388
Is there any step i'm missing here for deploying my contract to the testnet?
command line option?