I created random HD wallet seed using eth-hd-wallet
package, then imported it into Metamask and got expected addresses:
- 0xF011B485DF2A66A3019dEa82E1EBbf7C716443A1 (m/44'/60'/0'/0/0)
- 0x9590D9ca47290358eaF1Cc8482Beb2fc09D25c72 (m/44'/60'/0'/0/1)
- 0x3cAd996C8C9205374aECF81eE8EDd80f2489dA04 (m/44'/60'/0'/0/2)
... and so on. But when I am using the same mnenomic in truffle-hdwallet-wallet
I see that zeroth address is 0x959fd7ef9089b7142b6b908dc3a8af7aa8ff0fa1
, second address 0x4e90a36b45879f5bae71b57ad525e817afa54890
that already has number of transactions on etherscan in Rinkeby testnet.
From now I have 2 questions:
- How it could be, I mean duplication of mnemonic phrase?
- Why
shows me different address then Metanask or bitcore-generated ones?