The folder structure is as follows:
+- Multiply
| +- Solidity
| +- contracts
| +- MultiplyContract.sol
+- UUIDProvider
+- Solidity
+- contracts
+- UUIDProviderContract.sol
And I want to test the (main) contract : MultiplyContract.sol
The migrations\2_deploy_contracts.js file looks like this:
var UUIDProviderContract = artifacts.require("../../UUIDProvider/Solidity/contracts/UUIDProviderContract.sol");
var MultiplyContract = artifacts.require("MultiplyContract");
module.exports = function (deployer) {
var multiplier = 4;
deployer.deploy(MultiplyContract, multiplier);
However when running truffle test, I get this error:
Compiling .\contracts\Migrations.sol...
Compiling .\contracts\MultiplyContract.sol...
Compiling .\test\TestMultiplyContract.sol...
Compiling truffle/Assert.sol...
Compiling truffle/DeployedAddresses.sol...
throw new Error("Could not find artifacts for " + import_path + " from any sources");
So how to include the UUIDProviderContract.sol ?
Or is this not possible and should I copy this to the same location as MultiplyContract.sol?