I am trying to get older state of a contract. I have deployed contract using truffle. my contract is
pragma solidity ^0.4.15;
contract NDA {
bytes32 party1name;
bytes32 party2name;
bytes32 pary1regaddr;
event Setparty2 (address indexed _from,bytes32 _party2name);
function NDA() {
party1name = "Me";
function setparty2(bytes32 _party2name, bytes32 _pary1regaddr){
party2name = _party2name;
pary1regaddr = _pary1regaddr;
Setparty2(msg.sender, _party2name);
function get() constant returns (bytes32, bytes32) {
return (party1name, party2name);
When I do NDA.events
i get
truffle(development)> NDA.events
{ anonymous: false,
inputs: [ [Object], [Object] ],
name: 'Setparty2',
type: 'event' } }
Now I did some transactions with this contract like
NDA.at(NDA.address).setparty2("Manish", "Kumar Singh");
and then some more .
Now I want to get the previous state of contract, I am trying to use events for that but when i do
truffle(development)> NDA.events.Setparty2({fromBlock : 0 });
TypeError: NDA.events.Setparty2 is not a function
I am not able to make out how to use my events. any help is appreciated.