I rewrite and recomplied the code file of my old smart contract because it doesn't allow me to withdraw, saying gas estimated failed. So I tried to rewrite the code and deploy again using the same file ( I didn't know I can't do this). How do I withdraw my balance now? I am so frustrated.

  • Can you provide more details about the contract? Once a contract has been deployed it cannot be modified, if the contract didn't have a withdraw functionality then the funds are forever locked.
    – Ismael
    Commented Sep 6 at 15:33

1 Answer 1


If there's no function in the contract that allows you to withdraw funds, there's nothing you can do about it.

Please share the contract code.

  • I have a withdraw function, but it keeps telling me that Gas estimation failed and every time I withdraw, the transaction fails. Does it mean I can't do anything about it because I can't change the contract code anymore? Commented Aug 31 at 15:53

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