As far as I can see, the models from endpoints description don't match the data they return. For example, this endpoint and address: https://safe-transaction-polygon.safe.global/api/v1/safes/0xFcf23C3B0b3Ef21381A3a88B7244168D03e15Ae1/multisig-transactions/

The transaction with safeTxHash = "0x50995b0a26ab61284bffac268b7052b416e4f88c61423733bdeba9a62154e387", the transactionHash and executionDate columns are null but in the SafeMultisigTransactionResponse model in the description they are marked as non-nullable.

Is it a problem in the data or in the description?

1 Answer 1


The problem comes from Swagger description. The example provided is for successful transactions, but the data structure can vary if it did not go through. We are currently working on a new documentation for our API services, which should make it much clearer.

Thanks for pointing it out though. Best, Louis

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