I am trying to debug a smart contract using hardhat. I am using the below code.
pragma solidity ^0.8.9;
import "Hardhat/node_modules/hardhat/console.sol";
contract SmartWallet
address payable public owner;
mapping(address => uint) private Allowed_address;
mapping(address => uint) private Amount_deposit;
bool private lock = false;
// We assign the owner during the start of the smart contract.
owner = payable(msg.sender);
//This modifier allows only the owner to access the function.
modifier OnlyOwner()
require(msg.sender == owner,"SmartWallet: You are not the owner");
//This modifier allows only the owner or the allowed addresses if the amount they have is greater than
//that they are trying to send.
modifier OwnerorAllowed(uint _amount)
require(msg.sender == owner || Allowed_address[msg.sender] >= _amount,"SmartWallet: You are not allowed to transfer");
//The receive function will store all the addresses who have send money to the contract and how much money they
//have sent.
receive() external payable
(Amount_deposit[msg.sender] += msg.value);
//In this function the owner allows other address permission to withdraw certain maount from the contract.
function GrantAllowance(address _address, uint _amount) public OnlyOwner()
Allowed_address[_address] = _amount;
//Using this function the Allowance can checked.
function CheckAllowance(address _account) public view returns(uint)
// This function is used to check the amount deposited by different owners
function CheckDepositAmount(address _account) public view returns(uint)
//This function is used to check the balance of the smart contract.
function CheckBalance() public view returns(uint)
return address(this).balance;
//This function is used to reduce the amount alloted allowance to an address by the ownwer
function ReduceAllowance(address _address, uint _amount) internal
Allowed_address[_address] -= _amount;
//This function is used to Transfer amount. But onlt the owner and allowed addresses can use it.
function TransferMoney(uint _amount, address payable _to) public payable OwnerorAllowed(_amount)
if(msg.sender != owner)
require(Allowed_address[msg.sender] >= _amount,"SmartWallet: You are not allowed to send");
require(lock == false,"Aborting!!! transfer is locked");
lock = true;
lock = false;
**As you see in the 2nd line, I have imported the console.sol file available in my hardhat node modules folder, to perform the Debugging.**
**But it throws the following Error:
Error HH404: File Hardhat/node_modules/hardhat/console.sol, imported from Contracts/SmartWallet.sol, not found.
But the file is present under the specified location.**