I'm trying to pass the user's connected wallet into getNftsForOwner function but am not sure how to do it. If I type out the address into the function like this:
const NFTs = await alchemy.nft.getNftsForOwner('0x00000111');
Everything works just fine but if I try passing the connected wallet, it returns error 400: no wallet address.
import { useRouter } from "next/router";
import { alchemy } from "const/alchemy";
import { useEffect, useState } from "react";
import { OwnedNftsResponse } from "alchemy-sdk";
import { useAddress } from "@thirdweb-dev/react";
const BagGrabber: NextPage = () => {
const router = useRouter();
const { walletAddress } = router.query;
const [NFTs, setNFTs] = useState<OwnedNftsResponse>()
const address = useAddress(); //also tried passing this hook, maybe in useEffect?
useEffect( () => {
async function grabber() {
const NFTs = await alchemy.nft.getNftsForOwner(walletAddress as string);
}, [NFTs]);
Maybe I need to format the address in useEffect useState? I don't know? The owner address needs to be a string.