I am trying to make a front end that allows you to send bundled transactions from multiple different accounts. Though, because of this I am not able to use "signTransaction" as wallets don't allow for this.

Before I try to build out this I wanted to see if anyone else might know if this is possible? Is there some limitation that would prevent you from actually getting a valid signature out of this? (EG. you can't use eth_sign because most wallets add an identifier that prevents signing transactions.)

1 Answer 1


eth_signTypedData was released in EIP712, the docs for which can be read here.

In short, if you managed to get multiple transactions from different accounts bundled together (kinda like a Merkle Tree), and pre authorised, then yes: you could use signTypedData to authorise the 'final' transaction.

Read a bit into multiSig here. Potentially, you could build a sort of 'escrow' smart contract that releases funds given admin authorisation. Although, by this stage, I'm unsure wether you would still want to use signTypedData. Your architecture, your choice - good luck!

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