I have a fully filled struct ( in memory ), I want to store it ( in storage ), but I can't convert it. I've tested many ways and I got two kinds of errors:
copying of type struct of Player memory[] memory to storage not yet supported
explicit conversion error
mapping(uint256 => Match) public matchList; struct Team { Player[] players; } struct Player { address username; uint256 index; uint256 payableInUSD; } struct MatchOption { uint256 entry; uint256 date; uint256 createAt; uint256 matchId; } struct Match { MatchOption matchOption; Team[] teams; uint256 price; uint256 createAt; } specificMatch // this is a Match(struct) in memory, I have it fully filled from frontend Match[] storage copiedMatch= specificMatch; // THIS DOESN'T WORK matchList[0] = copiedMatch;