I am making a time-based escrow smart contract in which anyone can put in money, and only take that money out after a minute has passed. They can also increase the amount of money that is held in escrow or the time that it is locked for. I am not sure, however, about the security of this contract. It is based on code from here.
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
// overflow and underflow examples and preventions
// one can deposit ether into this contract but you must wait 1 week before you can withdraw your funds
// use safe math to prevent underflow and overflow
import "https://github.com/OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts/blob/master/contracts/utils/math/SafeMath.sol";
contract Timelock {
// calling SafeMath will add extra functions to the uint data type
using SafeMath for uint; // you can make a call like myUint.add(123)
// amount of ether you deposited is saved in balances
mapping(address => uint) public balances;
// when you can withdraw is saved in lockTime
mapping(address => uint) public lockTime;
function deposit() external payable {
// if you have already deposited you should not be able to deposit
require(balances[msg.sender] == 0, "there must be no existing money in deposit");
//update balance
balances[msg.sender] = msg.value;
//updates locktime 1 minute from now
lockTime[msg.sender] = block.timestamp + 1 minutes;
function addMoney() external payable {
require(balances[msg.sender] != 0, "there must be existing money");
// the function that is commented out is vulnerable to overflow by updating the function below with a very large number
// to prevent this use safe math to prevent overflow
// function increaseLockTime(uint _secondsToIncrease) public {
// lockTime[msg.sender] += _secondsToIncrease;
// }
function increaseLockTime(uint _secondsToIncrease) public {
// the add function below is from safemath and will take care of uint overflow
// if a call to add causes an error an error will be thrown and the call to the function will fail
lockTime[msg.sender] = lockTime[msg.sender].add(_secondsToIncrease);
function withdraw() public {
// check that the sender has ether deposited in this contract in the mapping and the balance is >0
require(balances[msg.sender] > 0, "insufficient funds");
// check that the now time is > the time saved in the lock time mapping
require(block.timestamp > lockTime[msg.sender], "lock time has not expired");
// update the balance
uint amount = balances[msg.sender];
balances[msg.sender] = 0;
// send the ether back to the sender
(bool sent, ) = msg.sender.call{value: amount}("");
require(sent, "Failed to send ether");