I tried swapping GHOST for ETH on uniswap. First I had to approve the tokens before swapping, there was a message that it only has to be approved once.

It took a full day but today I checked on Etherscan, and the transaction was approved.


So I logged into Uniswap with Metamask, and I clicked on "Swap" but nothing happened. Then I checked my Metamask and it had a transaction waiting to be approved, I clicked on it, but now it seems that this is another "approve" transaction, no actual swap. When I try to swap my GHOST now, it doesnt work, there is the approve button once again.

So I already paid once and apparently another approve is going on right now, without any actual swap happening.

Weird thing is, when I check the token on Etherscan, it shows that people have been able to swap, but why does it not work for me? What am I missing here?

Link to the Token: https://etherscan.io/token/0x4c327471C44B2dacD6E90525f9D629bd2e4f662C

Thanks for any answers.

1 Answer 1


The first approve transaction was for the uniswap v2 router.

The second approve transaction is for the metamask router. As of 2021-11-05 03:53 it is still pending.

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