I firstly apologise if I am asking something stupid. I am a newbie to smart contract development (and this is my first time to ask a question).
I would like to get more familiar with gas fee consumption. So I wrote a short transaction contract like this:
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
contract ethDeposit {
struct information {
string[] dataList;
uint totalValue;
mapping (address => information) transactionInfo;
mapping (address => uint64) transactionCount;
event transactionLog(address sendAddress, address receiveAddress, string transactionData, uint transactionValue);
function logStorage (address payable receiver, string memory data) payable external {
emit transactionLog(msg.sender, receiver, data, msg.value);
I am using Remix IDE currently. I could deploy it on JavaVM and the Ropsten test network. However, when I try to deploy the contract on Optimistic Ethereum, I got the following error and stating Gas Estimation Failed:
Internal JSON-RPC error. { "code": -32000, "message": "gas required exceeds allowance (125000000)" }
I did enable the Optimistic Ethereum plugin for Remix IDE. Majority of the related issue on Google are due to coding issue, but I doubt if this is the issue here as I could deploy the contract smoothly on other networks.
If I force the transaction to continue, it then returns the following error:
creation of ethDeposit errored: Error: [ethjs-query] while formatting outputs from RPC '{"value":{"code":-32603,"data":{"code":-32000,"message":"L2 gas limit too low: 0, use at least 100000"}}}'
I did set the gas limit to 3000000 in Remix IDE. Did I do the whole deployment process wrongly for Optimistic Ethereum? Or is there some other way I should declared Layer 2 gas limit?
I followed this tutorial for Remix Optimistic Ethereum plugin, but I still get the same errors if I use the sample code mentioned in the tutorial. (https://remix-optimism-compiler-plugin.readthedocs.io/en/latest/)
Am I missing something or doing something wrong? Is there anyone encountered this issue before? Any hint and help would be appreciated. Thanks a lot.