This is my smart contract:

contract Bank {
  mapping(bytes32 => State) internal states;
  bytes32[] internal possibleStates;

  struct State {
    // a boolean to check if the state is actually created
    bool hasBeenCreated;
    // a mapping of functions that can be executed when in this state
    mapping(bytes4 => bool) allowedFunctions;
    // a list of all the roles that have been configured for this state
    bytes32[] allowedRoles;
    // a list of all the preconditions that have been configured for this state
    function(bytes32, bytes32) internal view[] preConditions;
    // a list of callbacks to execute before the state transition completes
    function(bytes32, bytes32) internal[] callbacks;
    // a list of states that can be transitioned to
    bytes32[] nextStates;
    // function that executes logic and then does a StateTransition
    bytes4 preFunction;

  function createState(bytes32 stateName) public {
    states[stateName].hasBeenCreated = true;

But when I try to use the function createStake in Remix with the following values: "test" or "test, test" or ["test"] or ["test", "test"]

Nothing works I always have the following error message: Error encoding arguments: Error: invalid arrayify value (argument="value", value="test, test", code=INVALID_ARGUMENT, version=bytes/5.4.0)

Can someone explain me why? Thanks!

2 Answers 2


The text has to be in hexadecimal and occupy 64 hex characters. To convert "test" you can type in the remix console

> web3.utils.padLeft(web3.utils.asciiToHex("test"), 64)


Then you can type 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000686f6c61 as parameter when calling function createState.


Ismael's answer is the best

I've made an online tool to do the same

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