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Go Ethereum (short: Geth) is a Golang implementation of the Ethereum protocol.

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2 answers

web3 transaction details

Are there any functionalities available on web3.js to provide the details Etheresacn provides, such as Txn Type, the Base fee per gas, etc. I am aware of web3.eth.getTransactionReceipt however, it is …
Emrah's user avatar
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web3 transaction details

I just connected to Infura node using and here is output of the following command: w3.eth.get_transaction(0x847dc489014532d6c8805a9c90260ce67994adedca3598e6ba9e6839d4d472be) AttributeDict( {' …
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Geth node in light mode basic setup

Your light node just boostrapped. It needs to find a peers on the nework, which will take time. It is required to find peers to download Ethereum state. Once there is new peer, the peercount will be i …
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1 vote

Subscribe to new txpool transactions on geth node

You can create an account with Infura and subscribe to their pending pool as easy as this: const { time } = require("console"); const Web3 = require("web3"); let fs = require('fs'); const web = new …
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eth.contract gives undefined error

Following code should solve your problem. var contract_name = new web3.eth.Contract('YOUR ABI', 'YOUR CONTRACT ADDRESS')
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2 votes
1 answer

Can I resume fast sync in GoEthereum?

I have synced whole geth into computer in --fast mode. However, it had to be stopped at one point today. Using the already downloaded data, can I pass the download phase and resume from where it is le …
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2 votes
1 answer

Sending transaction directly to miner on private network?

I am trying to understand how one node can send a transaction to another node (miner or full) directly rather than waiting P2P network to distribute it? Say I have two non-miner nodes A and B and one …
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Get Max Priority Fee (miner tip) from transactions in transaction pool (mempool)

Just a reminder, not every transaction is type-2(EIP 1559) yet. So it might be the reason you do not see any. The EIP 1559 is backward compatible, meaning that old legacy transactions still go through …
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Ethereum Post-Merge Full Node

--authrpc.port is what your consensus client needs to connect to your execution client (geth). If you don't specify anything when you start yout geth, the port 8551 will be used by default. Then you …
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1 vote
2 answers

Ethereum Post-Merge Full Node

I am trying to run a full mainnet node on AWS EC2. I received the following warning WARN [09-29|12:33:51.514] Post-merge network, but no beacon client was seen. Please launch one to follow the chain!, …
Emrah's user avatar
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1 answer

How to speed up prysm sync?

I am using prysm as consensus client to sync; however, it is taking a while to sync from genesis. Is there a way to speed up?
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4 votes

How to speed up prysm sync?

You can use checkpoint feature of prysm speed up sync. It is essentially a way to get the state (checkpoint) from a trusted source instead of starting syncing from the genesis node. If you can’t get …
Emrah's user avatar
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RPC connection fails

Try: web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.WebsocketProvider('')); you will need to use WebsocketProvider in order to subscribe to an event if you are using version [email protected]
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Unable to assign value of counter variable to nft id

You use post-fix increment to assign id. a++ and a-- are equivalent to a += 1 / a -= 1 but the expression itself still has the previous value of a. In contrast, --a and ++a have the same effect on a …
Emrah's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Geth does not sync - Proof of Stake

I am trying to run full node on Ethereum mainnet; however, I believe geth doesn't sync. I started the GETH client with geth --ws --http --http.api eth,net,engine,admin,txpool --authrpc.jwtsecret jwt.h …
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