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2 votes
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Is it feasible to implement a Uniswap V3 contract integration that can simultaneously call flash and swap on the same pool in a single transaction?

We are considering the development of a Uniswap V3 flash liquidator smart contract. The liquidator will flash an amount of tokens (e.g., USDC) from the Uniswap V3 pool in order to liquidate a lending ...
Ahmed Ihsan Tawfeeq's user avatar
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How to optimistically call a Uniswap method?

I'm trying to calculate the price for a Uniswap pair before paying. In their docs, there's a Quoter contract that gives you this information, but it has this warning at the top: These functions are ...
doylio's user avatar
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How to get your smart contract to accept UNI Token?

I'm working on creating a simple contract which will receive UNI tokens from an external account and swap it for ether from UniSwap. I'm having a very hard time understanding the documents. Can anyone ...
Shubhangi Dargarh's user avatar
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Different Transaction Costs For Different ERC20 Tokens?

I just went to send some OXT from my wallet to an exchange and noticed that the cost was much higher than if I were to send ETH or UNI while using the same gas price. My wallet shows a different ...
Jay F.'s user avatar
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Cant find sushiswap router address for Kovan testnet

Can anyone get me a routerV2 address for sushiswap on Kovan? The address given on sushi page is incorrect.Thanks
Wei Pan's user avatar
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Cant receive wETH to my contract after swap on uniswap

I write a simple contract to do a flash loan from aave and interact with uniswap in it. I found out that no wETH is sent to my contract after swaping on uniswap. Transcations are here: https://kovan....
Wei Pan's user avatar
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sending UNI to MataMask Wallet

I sent 400 uni from brave wallet to uni metamask wallet, nearly 3 days ago it never showed up. I'm very new to this and probably should have not done it but in my brave browser wallet i had 400 UNI as ...
Simon's user avatar
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2 answers

Can someone help me figure out how to get my UNI from an old MCD vault?

So here's my problem: My UNI drop was sent to and outdated instadapp mcd vault at contract address: 0xc653461d3D4c6AD53c16ebE16fa07f820e115139 which i am the owner of at address: ...
Legionz's user avatar
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4 votes
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How much UNI can I earn if I become a liquidity provider?

Say I have 10 ETH and 1000 USDC and I want to become a liquidity provider on uniswap. How much UNI can I earn per day and month? And as a liquidity provider, do I lose my 10 ETH or USDC as I'm not ...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
3 votes
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Fast way of checking if my ethereum addresses can claim UNI tokens from uniswap? [closed]

I have quite a number of addresses in eth and is there a way to check if my address can claim uni without having to sign in with each individual account using uniswap?
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar